eMOBIQ Service Manager

eMOBIQ Service Manager is a tool that helps you to create and manage eMOBIQ services.
With this tool you can:

1. Manage eMOBIQ Plugin
- Create your own functions, components and 3rd party plugins to be used or consumed by the eMOBIQ platform.
Note: As of now eMOBIQ Plugin only supports cordova client project platform. We'll be supporting react-native in the near future.

Creating eMOBIQ Plugin

Step 1: Install the eMOBIQ Service Manager CLI (Command Line)

To develop a package you need to have setup and configure your development environment.

Step 2: Create an account for eMOBIQ Service Manager

To access eMOBIQ Service Manager, you need to have an account on eMOBIQ Service Manager.

Step 3: Create an eMOBIQ Service Manager package

The guide below helps you to create a new package once you have your account.

Step 4: Use the eMOBIQ Service Manager package into the eMOBIQ Platform

If you’ve successfully created a new package in eMOBIQ Service Manager you can now use it in your eMOBIQ Platform project.